1.(2013). „Calculate de volume of landfill Cristeşti, Mureş, using the classical method and digital terrain model using pictures from UAV”, R. Mudura, Alexandra Trif, B. Nedelcu, C. Bara; SGEM, International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconferences 17-26 June, 2014, Albena BULGARIA, Informatics, Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing, Conference Proceedings Volume II, Geodesy & Mine Surveying; ISBN: 978-1-5108-0711-2 / ISSN 13142704, June 17-26, 2014, Book 1, Vol. 1, 113-120 pp
2.(2013). „3D Laser Scanning for Surveying Application”, Catalin Ciprian MARINESCU, Alexandra TRIF, University of Agronomic Science and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, Faculty of Land Reclamation and Environmental Engineering, Journal of Young Scientist, Land Reclamation, Earth Observation & Surveying, Environmental Engineering – Volume I, 2013, Bucharest, ROMANIA – Premiul I – The VIII-th National Student Symposium „IF-IMCAD”, Under the patronage of Royal House of Romania; http://journalofyoungscientist.usamv.ro/pdf/vol.%20I/Art44.pdf
3.(2014). „Efect of Climate Change on Dobrogea Agricultural Area”, Alexandra TRIF, Doru MIHAI; Conferinţa Internaţională a Universităţii de Ştiinte Agronomice şi Medicină Veterinară din Bucureşti,”Agricultură pentru viaţă, viaţă pentru agricultură”, 5 – 7 Iunie, 2014, Bucureşti, ROMÂNIA, http://landreclamationjournal.usamv.ro/pdf/2014/Art24.pdf
4.(2014). „Representing Climatological Data for Romania Using ArcGIS Online Platform”, Alexandra TRIF, Simpozionul Internaţional Studenţesc „IF-IM-CAD” 16-17 Mai 2014, Bucureşti, ROMÂNIA, http://journalofyoungscientist.usamv.ro/pdf/vol_II_2014/art42.pdf
5.(2014). “Zoning of favorability of climate conditions for the main species, rootstocks and fruit trees” – Alexandra TRIF, Cristina BABOI, Dr. Elena MATEESCU, Daniel ALEXANDRU, Rodica TUDOR; Annual Meeting of Scientific Communications of the National Meteorological Administration, 6-7 November 2014, Bucharest, ROMANIA, http://www.meteoromania.ro/anm/images/raport/revistastiintifica2014.pdf
6.(2014). “Climate Risk Analysis at Development Area 2 (South-East) between September – August / 1981-2010”, Cristina BABOI, Alexandra TRIF, Rodica TUDOR, Alexandru VOEVOZEANU; Annual Meeting of Scientific Communications of the National Meteorological Administration, 6-7 November 2014, Bucharest, ROMANIA, http://www.meteoromania.ro/anm/images/raport/revistastiintifica2014.pdf
7.(2015). “The impact of climate changes on winter wheat crops and corn from Oltenia, between 2001-2014, compared with the reference period of 1981-2010”, Alexandra Trif, Alexandra Oana Oprea, International Conference ”Agriculture for Life, Life for Agriculture”, 5 – 7 June, 2015, Bucureşti, ROMÂNIA, https://www.sciencedirect.com/ science /article /pii/ S22107 84315002120, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aaspro.2015.08.079
8. (2016). ”The evaluation of rapeseed culture at the end of the cold season using aerospace techniques” Alexandra TRIF, Mihai Gîdea., Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia, Volume 10, 2016, Pages 118–122, 5th International Conference “Agriculture for Life, Life for Agriculture”, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2210784316302248
9. (2016). „Evaluation of the modern methods of assessing the damage suffered by rapeseed cultures at the end of winter”, Alexandra TRIF, Mihai GÎDEA, Aurelian PENESCU, 2016. Agrolife Journal. https://www.cabdirect.org/cabdirect/abstract/20173010627
10. (2017). „Research into optimizing the process of assessing the degree of destruction of rapeseed cultures after winter using image processing”, Alexandra TRIF, Alexandru BOASCA.2017. Journal of Young Scientist, Volume V. http://journalofyoungscientist.usamv.ro/pdf/vol_V_2017/Art38.pdf
11. (2017). ”Research into the potential of utilizing image processing for the evaluation of maize culture”, Alexandra TRIF, Mihai GIDEA, Alexandru BOASCA, Sorin Mihai CIMPEANU. 2017. Scientific Papers. Series E. Land Reclamation, Earth Observation & Surveying, Environmental Engineering, Vol. VI. http://landreclamationjournal.usamv.ro/pdf/2017/Art32.pdf
12. (2017). „The automatic mapping the weeded zones in the wheat crop”, Mihai GIDEA, Alexandra TRIF, Alexandru BOASCA The 5th International Symposium Weeds& Invasive Plants Proceedings 10 – 14 Oct 2017 Chios, Greece http://www.ewrs.org/doc/Proceedings_Weeds_and_Invasive_Plant_Chios_Greece_2017.pdf
13. (2018). „Research into the utilization of aerial imaging for evaluating the state of vegetation”, Alexandra TRIF, Mihai GIDEA, Bogdan ERGHELEGIU, Alexandru BOASCA, Sorin-Mihai CIMPEANU, International Conference “Agriculture for Life, Life for Agriculture” 2018, DOI: 10.2478/alife-2018-0061
14. (2018). „The Restoration and Remodelling of Facades – A Permanent Necessity for the Conservation of History” Bogdan ERGHELEGIU, Alexandra TRIF, Raluca-Margareta MANEA, Alexandru BOASCA, DOI: 10.2478/alife-2018-0057
15. (2019). “The usage of the FAE Fixed Wing UAV for the evaluation of affected rapeseed culture due to pest attacks”, Alexandra TRIF, Mihai GIDEA, Cristian CIOINEAG, Sorin Mihai CIMPEANU. Scientific Papers. Series E. Land Reclamation, Earth Observation & Surveying, Environmental Engineering. Vol. VIII, 2019 Print ISSN 2285-6064, CD-ROM ISSN 2285-6072, Online ISSN 2393-5138, ISSN-L 2285-6064, http://landreclamationjournal.usamv.ro/pdf/2019/vol2019.pdf.
16. (2019). “Sustainable Architecture: Restoration of the facades of historic buildings using modern methods”. Bogdan ERGHELEGIU, Alexandra TRIF, Raluca-Margareta MANEA. Scientific Papers. Series E. Land Reclamation, Earth Observation & Surveying, Environmental Engineering. Vol. VIII, 2019 Print ISSN 2285-6064, CD-ROM ISSN 2285-6072, Online ISSN 2393-5138, ISSN-L 2285-6064, http://landreclamationjournal.usamv.ro/pdf/2019/vol2019.pdf.